Old Country Ale/Lager Experiment
Brew Method: All Grain
Style Name: Saison/German Pils
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 12 gallons
Boil Size: 13.5 gallons
Efficiency: 84% (brew house)
Original Gravity: 1.058
Final Gravity: 1.012 (34/70) 1.002 (Jovaru)
ABV (standard): 6.0% (34/70) 7.4% (Jovaru)
IBU (tinseth): 27.43
SRM (daniels): 11.03
20 lb - Pilsner Malt (87%)
3 lb - US - Braccionere - Munich Malt 40L (13%)
1.5 oz - Hallertau Mittelfruh, Type: Pellet, AA: 4.4, Boil for 60 min
1.5 oz - Hallertau Mittelfruh, Type: Pellet, AA: 4.4, Boil for 30 min
2 oz - Hallertau Mittelfruh, Type: Pellet, AA: 4.4, Boil for 10 min
2 oz - Hallertau Mittelfruh, Type: Pellet, AA: 4.4 Boil for 5 min
Infusion, Temp: 144 F, Time: 45 min, Amount: 11 gal
2) Temperature, Temp: 158 F, Time: 30 min
4) Fly Sparge, Temp: 152 F, Amount: 6.5 gal
Starting Mash Thickness: 2 qt/lb
1 g Calcium Chloride
3 ml Lactic Acid
Omega Yeast Labs - Jovaru Lithuanian Farmhouse OYL-033
Starter: No
Form: Liquid
Fermentation Temp: Whatever the garage is. Pitched at 75° F going to leave for 14 Days.
Fermentis SafLager 34/70 Weihenstephan Lager Strain.
Starter: No
Form: Dry
Fermentation Temp: 62 F for 10-14 Days
Lager: 2-3 weeks at 34 F.
KEG: CO2 3.25 Volumes
This beer is absolutely fantastic and so dangerous! You can not tell that it is 7% ABV. The flavors are bursting with citrus from the Jovaru yeast with floral notes, clove and slight banana flavor. The Mittlefrue hops are an excellent addition to this beer and provide what I think is a little taste of the home country. On that note, next summer I going to take this recipe a step further and go with a raw ale, which means not boiling it. I'm going to add hops into the mash as well as create a hop tea to add in the tradition of the brewery where Jovaru was created. Overall, very happy with how this beer turned out and looking forward to sharing it with my family at the upcoming Family BBQ in a few weeks.
Appearance: Hazy golden/straw color. White head which dissipates quickly but the lacing sticks around for the entire drink.
Aroma: Citrus (sweet orange) clove, floral notes, ever so slight banana with a hint of black pepper
Flavor: Malt forward beer with what could be interepted as sweetness, floral notes throughout the sip, clove and citrus at the end.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied which is surprising considering it got down to 1.002. Very silky, smooth and very easy to drink.